
This section lists film and video festivals that feature Black cinema. Most are annual festivals. Some festivals are devoted to films by and about Blacks, while others regularly feature Black films as part of their wider programs.

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African American Film Festival
In association with Essex County College, this festival was held in 2001 and was devoted to independent Aftrican American filmmakers.

e-mail: info@africanamericanfilm.org
website: http://www.africanamericanfilm.org/festival%20app2.htm
phone: (973) 877.3199

African Diaspora Film Festival
A festival that showcases films of the African Diaspora. The next festival is November 29 to December 15, 2002.

website 1: http://www.africanfilm.com/festival/index.html
website 2: http://www.nyadff.org
phone: (212) 749.6020
fax: (212) 316.6020

American Black Film Festival (ABFF)
Annual festival that is formerly known as the Acapulco Black Film Festival. This popular festival was designed to "provide independent Black filmmakers with a forum in which to expose their films to film buyers and the general public."

email: abff@GoSeeBlackMovies.com
website: www.abff.com
phone: (212) 219-7267

Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame
From Oscar Micheaux to Sidney Poitier to Spike Lee, this nonprofit ogranization is dedicated to the "nurturing of current independent filmmakers, and the preservation of contributions by African American artists both before and behind the camera." Site has sections for biographical information, previews, and calendar of special events.

e-mail: bfhfinc@aol.com
website: http://www.blackfilmmakershall.org
phone: (510) 465-0804
fax: (510) 839-9858

(Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou)

Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO) is the largest African film festival.

e-mail: sg@fespaco.bf
website: http://www.fespaco.bf

Hollywood Black Film Festival
The last festival was in February 2002. Presented by Black Talent News, this festival "aims to enhance the careers of emerging and established North American filmmakers through a public exhibition and competition program."

e-mail: info@hbff.org
website: http://www.hbff.org

International Black Panther Film Festival
The next festival is in 2003. This fesitval is dedicated to presenting "dramas, documentaries, and shorts; some made in 1968 and 1970, others produced within the last few years and several directed by former members of the Black Panther Party.

e-mail: info@redibis.com
website: http://www.pantherfilmfest.com
phone: (212) 926-2550

Jamerican Film & Music Festival
Another annual festival, this four-day international event takes place in Jamaica and showcases film and music.

e-mail: info@jamericanfilmfest.com
website: http://www.jamericanfilmfest.com
phone: (323) 692-9537

Pan African Film Festival
According to their mission statement, this group's festival was created in order to "present and showcase the broad spectrum of Black creative works, particularly those that reinforce positive images and help to destroy negative stereotypes." The festival appears to commerce every year.

website: http://www.paff.org

Sundance Film Festival

e-mail: institute@sundance.org
website: http://www.sundance.org/jsps/site.jsp?resource=pag_ff02_home&sk=BZsUMrpkojdUxJvw

Toronto Film Festival

e-mail: tiffg@torfilmfest.ca
website: http://www.e.bell.ca/filmfest

UrbanWorld Film Festival
Presented by HBO Films, this festival claims to host "the world's largest competitive minority film festival dedicated to redefining and enhancing the role of minority films in contemporary cinema."

e-mail: contact_us@urbanworld.com
website 1: http://www.urbanworld.com
website 2: http://urbanworld.com/festival2001.cfm

Sundance Film Festival
This acclaimed festival often showcases new and exciting African American talent.

e-mail: contact_us_at_institute@sundance.org
website: www.sundance.org/jsps/site.jsp?resource=pag_ff02_home&sk=BZsUMrpkojdUxJvw

Toronto Film Festival
This large international festival often includes new and/or unknown works by African American filmmakers.

e-mail: tiffg@torfilmfest.ca
website: www.e.bell.ca/filmfest
phone: (416) 968-FILM

Women in the Director's Chair
A Resource for films made by women. The organization has a film collection with over 600 titles. Site has links and schedules for their annual film festival.

e-mail: widc@widc.org
website: http://www.widc.org
phone: (773) 907-0610

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